A couple of weeks ago we went to Budapest, with the whole family, my parents and sister and her family. Budapest is an extraordinary city and it still have a lot of unique things and places to explore. (vol. 1)
Wow - just love this sword handle. Who would have thought that a "simple" handle could make a stick look like the sword of D'Artagnan. (design: Naama Agassi)
ABC cards for designer nerds - and as the illustrator says herself: "geek-hipster-interwebbers can teach their kids their ABC's with more culture-relevant examples". Love the idea and the illustrations - se more of the ABC here at Emma Cook.
Summertime is around the corner and it's time for holiday — spending a lot more time with the family, picking strawberries and enjoy some slow living. Happy summer.
If you liked the "bu" blanket with the Indian, I am sure you will love the new members of the "bu" family. A pirate (motif by Will Broome), a lion(motif by Elisabeth Dunker) and a teddy bear(motif by Lisa Grue) in different colors. I think my favorite is the pirate. Tthe Bu blankets are available from October the 1st. so stay tuned - until then se more at Little red stuga
Inspired by Deborah great finds - I had to show it here as well. A whole book full of pre folded animals in various colors just waiting to be cut out. For sure a great thing for the summer holidays. The book is designed by Sunkyung Kim and you can get hand on your own copy here.
As a child in the 1970 I loved these sandals for summer - I wore them when swimming(especially at the rocky beaches in France and Croatia and good for avoiding sea urchins) or just for walking - just loved them. My mom bought them in the great shop Nørregaard. (take a closer look)
Today my second daughter had to bring a cake to a summer party at the school. Together we made a great layer cake with whipped cream and raspberries and she decorated it beautiful with blueberries and raspberries. Sad that I forgot to take a picture. But here you have one of an other beautiful cake - tjeck out Manger, but be careful you might be hungry afterwards.
Just love this seesaw made by DvanDirk, a simple and clever design - a bench that can be transformed into a seesaw. I would love to have one for my garden, for the kids to play on and later to sit on - just brilliant.
If I was a mother to be, I would seriously consider buying a stroller like this, that you can convert into a bike pretty easy. I am sure that it works well in the city.
Summer just around the corner and the swing in the garden is already on a hard job. If you do not have a garden or the weather is for indoor aktivety, this swing is a good alternative and at the same time great to look at. (swing)
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